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  • Staplex Low Volume Air Sampler LV-4
Staplex Low Volume Air Sampler LV-4

Staplex Low Volume Air Sampler LV-4

Update Terakhir 08 / 12 / 2019
Minimal Pembelian 0 Unit



Detail Staplex Low Volume Air Sampler LV-4

Low Volume Air Sampler LV-4 untuk mengukur sampler polutan udara, serat asbes, merokok dan asap partikel radioaktif, industri pemerintahaan, rumah sakit, dan kantor kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Data Teknik ; Principle of Operation Staplex® Air Sampler draws low volumes of air through a filter by means of a rotary pump. Various types and sizes of filter papers, glass fiber filter media, filter cassettes and activated carbon cartridges are suitable for collection of samples. Flow rates are measured in liters per minute ( LPM) . Staplex Low Volume Air Samplers maximize flow rate and minimize sampling time for many air quality testing procedures, making them faster and more productive than personal samplers. Sampling Range: LV-3 and LV-4: 3-25 LPM Flow Control: Fully adjustable flow control valve on direct-reading rotometer, settable over the full flow range. Accurate to ± 5% full scale. Analysis of Collect Samples: Gravimetric, taring, ashing, microscopic count, phase contrast or electron scanning microscopy, comparator, x-ray fluorescence, etc. depending on substance being sampled. Description: Portable, lightweight Low Volume Air Samplers highly effective for accurate samples from immediate vicinity of sampler for air pollutants; asbestos fibers; smoke and smog; radioactive particles; industrial, governmental, hospital, home and office health and safety tests; atmospheric conditions; mine air hazards; factory dusts; research and testing, etc. including chemical, radiological and toxicological analyses. Suitable for mobile or fixed position operation in normal non-explosive atmospheres. Standard Models LV-3: 110-125 Volts AC, 50-60 Hz, ( 1 5-35 LPM) LV-4: 220-240 Volts AC, 50-60 Hz, ( 1 5-35 LPM) Dimensions: 4-1/ 2" x 5-3/ 4" x 9-1/ 4" ( 11.4 cm x 14.6 cm x 23.5 cm) . Weight: 11 pounds ( 5 kilos) . ( Specify 1-1/ 8” or 47-mm diameter filter holder when ordering.)