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HD35EDW1NTC Temperature and humidity wireless data logger

HD35EDW1NTC Temperature and humidity wireless data logger

Update Terakhir 10 / 04 / 2022
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit



Detail HD35EDW1NTC Temperature And Humidity Wireless Data Logger

Air Quality Monitor
Temperature and humidity wireless data logger. 24,000 samples. Optional custom LCD
display (option L). M12 connector for the HP3517WTC... temperature and relative
humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor).
Measuring ranges:
temperature: -40…+105 °C
relative humidity: 0…100% RH
Instrument operating temperature / humidity: -20…+70 °C / 0…100 % RH.
Calculated quantities: dew point, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio,
partial vapour pressure.
Supplied with 3.6V non-rechargeable Li-SOCl2 battery. The temperature / R.H. combined
probe (HP3517WTC…) has to be ordered separately.
Available version HD35EDW14bNTC with integrated barometric sensor (300…1100 hPa).
22,000 samples.
215 262
• HD35EDW14bNTC: with integrated barometric sensor