Detail Excieo Whole-Body Vibration System Merk Castle
Excieo Whole-Body Vibration System Merk Castle
The VK025 System contains the GA2005, Excieo Vibration Meter, accelerometers, cables, software and kit case and, as such comprises everything required for the assessment of Whole-Body vibration to the ‘Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005’. The GA2005 has the ability to measure Hand-Arm (sensor not included in this kit!) and Whole-Body Vibration with all the relevant filters. It also has the ability to measure vibration for a much wider range of applications. It has large data-logging capabilities with the option of recording time-histories, which are especially important for unattended Whole Body measurements. This rugged instrument is also incredibly simple to use with good battery life and fast download to a PC via USB (software included).
Applications include:
• Whole-Body Vibration Risk Assessments
• Whole-Body Vibration control measurements
• Environmental monitoring
• Machine condition monitoring
• Bearing condition checking
• Engineering measurements
• Product emissions testing
• Production quality checking
Kit Contents:
• GA2005 - Pro-DX Excieo HARM and WBV Vibration Meter
• KD1007 - Tri-axial seat-pad accelerometer (with cable)
• KA016 - Kit case for Excieo
• PC009 - VIBdataPRO