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3-Axial ultrasonic anemometer with integrated heating and barometric

3-Axial ultrasonic anemometer with integrated heating and barometric

Update Terakhir 16 / 01 / 2025
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit



Detail 3-Axial Ultrasonic Anemometer With Integrated Heating And Barometric


Senseca Italy

3-Axial ultrasonic anemometer with integrated heating and barometric pressure sensor. Robust housing for measurements also in the toughest conditions. Great flexibility in output choices: three analog outputs, as well as RS232, RS485, RS422 and SDI-12 isolated serial outputs for seamless integration with any systems

AEOLUS is our ultimate solution for precise wind monitoring in any environment. Specifically suitable for applications such as:

Wind farm monitoring
Automatic Weather Stations (AWS)
Buildings, constructions and bridges control
Ports, airports and heliports
Road and railway tunnels
Beside the measurement of wind speed and direction, it provides U-V-W Cartesian components and Wind Gust values. With integrated heating, it prevents the whole detection area (sensors, arms and arms supports) from the accumulation of snow and ice formation, allowing accurate measurements in all environmental conditions.

Moreover, the AISI 316 housing provides durability and protection, making it suitable for measurements in the toughest conditions.

The anemometer integrates a barometric pressure sensor.
Moreover, the AISI 316 housing provides durability and protection, making it suitable for measurements in the toughest conditions.

The anemometer integrates a barometric pressure sensor.

Available outputs:

RS232, RS485 and RS422 isolated outputs, with NMEA, Modbus-RTU and ASCII proprietary protocols.
SDI-12 isolated output.
Three analog outputs, for wind speed and direction or for wind U-V-W cartesian components. The type of analog output depends on model.
The anemometer satisfies the requirements of the following standards:

MIL-STD-810G Method 509.6 and EN ISO 9227:2017 (salt fog anti-corrosion test)
MIL-STD-810F Method 521.2 (anti-icing/freezing rain test)
EN 60068-2-6:2008 / IEC 60068-2-6:2007 (vibration resistance test)
Supplied with PC software, for configuration and displaying of the real time measurements.